
International decade for people of African descent



General Assembly resolution proclaiming the International Decade for People_A_RES_68_237.pdf
General Assemble resolution on the Programme of activities for the implementation of the IDPAD_A_RES_69_16.pdf
General Assembly resolution proclaiming the International Year for People of African Descent_A_RES_64_169.pdf
General Assembly resolution on Memorial and remembrance of victims of slavery and transatlantic slave trade_A_RES_62 122.pdf
International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination.pdf
UNESCO Declaration on Race and Racial Prejudice.pdf
2001 Durban Declaration Programme of Action.pdf
2009 Durban Review Conference Outcome Document.pdf
Fact sheet on people of African descent.pdf


By geographical scope
29/09/2009CERD_Recommendation No33.pdf
For other languages, consult the attached link.
International level:Law:Soft lawInternationalInternational decade for people of African descent; People of African descent
17/12/2010COLOMBIA_Decreto 4679 crean unos Programas Presidenciales para el Desarollo Integral de la Población Afrocolombiana etc.pdf
This decree creates a presidential programme for the elaboration of strategies and actions for the development of Afrocolombian, Black, Palenquera and Raizal population.
National level:Law:Other lawAmericas Region:ColombiaInternational decade for people of African descent; People of African descent; Special measures and affirmative action policies
01/08/2010COLOMBIA_Plan Integral de Acciones Afirmativas para el Reconocimiento de la Diversidad Cultural de los Afrodescendientes.pdf
This is the national Plan of affirmative actions for the recognition of cultural diversity and the guarantee of the rights of the Afro-descendants
National level:Policies:National action plans against racial discriminationAmericas Region:ColombiaGeneral on anti-racial discrimination; International decade for people of African descent; People of African descent; Special measures and affirmative action policies
01/01/2011OAS_Taller de Expertos de la Temática Afrodescendiente en las Américas.pdf
Regional level:Studies and reportsAmericas RegionGeneral on anti-racial discrimination; People of African descent; International decade for people of African descent; Special measures and affirmative action policies
10/01/2012INADI_Buenas Practicas para comunicadores. Afrodescendientes.pdf
National level:Educational and training materialAmericas Region:ArgentinaGeneral on anti-racial discrimination; Education; Information, communication and media; International decade for people of African descent; People of African descent
10/01/2015INADI_Concurso de Becas de Investigacion Capitana Maria Remedios del Valle.pdf
Concurso Internacional de Ensayo “Afrodescendientes: reconocimiento, justicia y desarrollo” 2015
National level:Educational and training materialAmericas Region:ArgentinaEducation; Equal participation in political, economic, social and cultural decision-making; General on anti-racial discrimination; International decade for people of African descent; People of African descent; Women and girls
27/10/2016BOLIVIA_Ley 848.2016 Decenio del Pueblo Afroboliviano.pdf
The law proclaims the period 2015-2024 as the Decade of Afrobolivian people, in accordance with UN resolution 68/237 of 23 December 2013.
National level:Law:Other lawAmericas Region:Bolivia (Plurinational State of)General on anti-racial discrimination; International decade for people of African descent; People of African descent
11/01/2013INE_Encuesta de Caracterizacion de la Poblacion Afrodescendientes de la Region de Arica y Parinacota 2013.pdf
National level:Sudies and reportsAmericas Region:ChileGeneral on anti-racial discrimination; Information, communication and media; People of African descent; International decade for people of African descent
27/12/2001COLOMBIA_Ley 725 de 2001 por la cual se establece el Día Nacional de la Afrocolombianidad.doc
This law establishes the National Day for Afrocolombians
National level:Law:Other lawAmericas Region:ColombiaGeneral on anti-racial discrimination; International decade for people of African descent; People of African descent
11/06/2015MEXICO_Plan de Trabajo de Mexico en torno al Decenio Internacional de los Afrodescendientes.pdf
National level:Policies:Other policiesAmericas Region:MexicoGeneral on anti-racial discrimination; International decade for people of African descent; People of African descent; Special measures and affirmative action policies
19/06/2015SPAIN_Declaracion de Afromadrid 2015.pdf
National level:Programmes and projectsEurope and Central Asia Region:SpainGeneral on anti-racial discrimination; Development; Education; International decade for people of African descent; Justice; Special measures and affirmative action policies; People of African descent
15/01/2007AECID_Programa de cooperacion con Afrodescendientes.pdf
National level:Programmes and projectsEurope and Central Asia Region:SpainGeneral on anti-racial discrimination; Equal participation in political, economic, social and cultural decision-making; Health and environment; Development; International decade for people of African descent; People of African descent; Special measures and affirmative action policies; Women and girls
07/12/2001COLOMBIA_Ley 725 de 2001 El Dia Nacional de la Afrocolombianidad.pdf
Law establishing the National Day of AfroColombianism
National level:Law:Other lawAmericas Region; Americas Region:ColombiaInternational decade for people of African descent; People of African descent
19/06/2006PERU_Ley No. 28761 Que Declara el Dia de la Cultura Afroperuana.pdf
Law No. 28761 of Peru establishes the 4th of July as the National Day of the Afro-Peruvian culture.
National level:Law:Other lawAmericas Region:PeruInternational decade for people of African descent; People of African descent
31/12/2014COSTA RICA_Plan Nacional para Afrodescendientes 2015-2018.pdf
Action Plan for the Decade of African Descent in Costa Rica.
National level:Policies:Other policiesAmericas Region; Americas Region:Costa RicaInternational decade for people of African descent; People of African descent
31/12/2017URUGUAY_Plan nacional de equidad racial y afrodescendencia 2019 - 2022.pdf
National Plan on Racial Equity and Afrodescendency.
National level:Policies:National action plans against racial discriminationAmericas Region; Americas Region:UruguayInternational decade for people of African descent; Minorities; Multiple forms of discrimination; People of African descent
28/02/2011DEFENSORIA DEL PUEBLO (Peru)_Los afrodescendientes en el Peru.pdf
This is a study completed by the Public Defender's office on the historical and modern day situation of AfroPeruvians and their rights.
National level:Sudies and reportsAmericas Region; Americas Region:PeruInternational decade for people of African descent; People of African descent
31/12/2018PERU_Encuentro investigadores afroperuanos 2017.pdf
This is a report prepared by the Ministry of Culture on the AfroPeruvian culture and how it benefits society.
National level:Sudies and reportsAmericas Region; Americas Region:PeruInternational decade for people of African descent; Equal participation in political, economic, social and cultural decision-making; People of African descent
25/11/2015PERU_Decreto Supremo N° 004-2015-MC Atencion prioritaria afroperuanos.pdf
This is a presidential decree that declares it of national priority to ensure respect for the human rights of people of African descent.
National level:Law:Other lawAmericas Region; Americas Region:PeruGeneral on anti-racial discrimination; International decade for people of African descent; Multiple forms of discrimination; People of African descent
30/04/2019ARGENTINA_Contribution to A_RES_69_16 - On SDGs.pdf
Contribution of Argentina to SG report on the implementation of the International Decade for People of African Descent, pursuant of A/RES/69/16. In 2019, the report focuses on the implementation of SDGs 4, 8, 10, 13, 16 and 17.
National level:State contributions to UN reportsAmericas Region; Americas Region:ArgentinaInternational decade for people of African descent
25/04/2019AZERBAIJAN_Contribution to A_RES_69_16 - On SDGs.pdf
Contribution of Azerbaijan to SG report on the implementation of the International Decade for People of African Descent, pursuant of A/RES/69/16. In 2019, the report focuses on the implementation of SDGs 4, 8, 10, 13, 16 and 17.
National level:State contributions to UN reportsEurope and Central Asia Region; Europe and Central Asia Region:AzerbaijanInternational decade for people of African descent
24/02/2019COLOMBIA_contribution to A_RES_69_16 - on SDGs.pdf
Contribution of Colombia to SG report on the implementation of the International Decade for People of African Descent, pursuant of A/RES/69/16. In 2019, the report focuses on the implementation of SDGs 4, 8, 10, 13, 16 and 17.
National level:State contributions to UN reportsAmericas Region; Americas Region:ColombiaInternational decade for people of African descent
08/05/2019GERMANY_Contribution to A_RES_69_16 - On SDGs.docx
Contribution of Germany to SG report on the implementation of the International Decade for People of African Descent, pursuant of A/RES/69/16. In 2019, the report focuses on the implementation of SDGs 4, 8, 10, 13, 16 and 17.
National level:State contributions to UN reportsEurope and Central Asia Region; Europe and Central Asia Region:GermanyInternational decade for people of African descent
01/02/2019GUATEMALA_Contribution A_RES_69_16 - On SDGs.doc
Contribution of Guatemala to SG report on the implementation of the International Decade for People of African Descent, pursuant of A/RES/69/16. In 2019, the report focuses on the implementation of SDGs 4, 8, 10, 13, 16 and 17.
National level:State contributions to UN reportsAmericas Region:GuatemalaInternational decade for people of African descent
13/05/2019MALTA_Contribution A_RES_69_16 - On SDGs.docx
Contribution of Malta to SG report on the implementation of the International Decade for People of African Descent, pursuant of A/RES/69/16. In 2019, the report focuses on the implementation of SDGs 4, 8, 10, 13, 16 and 17.
National level:State contributions to UN reportsEurope and Central Asia Region:MaltaInternational decade for people of African descent
29/04/2019MEXICO_Contribution A_RES_69_16 - On SDGs.docx
Contribution of Mexico to SG report on the implementation of the International Decade for People of African Descent, pursuant of A/RES/69/16. In 2019, the report focuses on the implementation of SDGs 4, 8, 10, 13, 16 and 17.
National level:State contributions to UN reportsAmericas Region:MexicoInternational decade for people of African descent
17/04/2019PORTUGAL_Contribution to A_RES_69_16 - On SDGs.pdf
Contribution of Portugal to SG report on the implementation of the International Decade for People of African Descent, pursuant of A/RES/69/16. In 2019, the report focuses on the implementation of SDGs 4, 8, 10, 13, 16 and 17.
National level:State contributions to UN reportsEurope and Central Asia Region:PortugalInternational decade for people of African descent
13/05/2019REPUBLIC OF KOREA_Contribution to A_RES_69_16 - On SDGs.docx
Contribution of the Republic of Korea to SG report on the implementation of the International Decade for People of African Descent, pursuant of A/RES/69/16. In 2019, the report focuses on the implementation of SDGs 4, 8, 10, 13, 16 and 17.
National level:State contributions to UN reportsAsia Pacific Region:Republic of KoreaInternational decade for people of African descent
10/05/2019SWEDEN_Contribution to A_RES_69_16 - On SDGs.docx
Contribution of Sweden to SG report on the implementation of the International Decade for People of African Descent, pursuant of A/RES/69/16. In 2019, the report focuses on the implementation of SDGs 4, 8, 10, 13, 16 and 17.
National level:State contributions to UN reportsEurope and Central Asia Region:SwedenInternational decade for people of African descent
30/04/2018ITALY_Contribution to A_RES_69_16.doc
Contribution of Italy to the SG report on the implementation of the International Decade for People of African Descent, pursuant of A/RES/69/16.
National level:State contributions to UN reportsEurope and Central Asia Region:ItalyInternational decade for people of African descent
01/01/2019NOVA SCOTIA_Action Plan in Response to the International Decade.pdf
The Province of Nova Scotia adopted a National Action Plan against racial discrimination against people of African descent, which is directly related to the UN International Decade for Peole of African Descent and structured alongside the 3 themes of the Decade: recognition, justice and development.
National level:Policies:National action plans against racial discriminationAmericas Region:CanadaInternational decade for people of African descent; People of African descent
15/08/2017ARGENTINA_ Decreto 658-2017 Decenio Internacional De Los Afrodescendientes.pdf
The Decree  provides for the coordination between the administrative units of the executive branch to develop a programme of activities under the International Decade.
National level:Law:Other lawAmericas Region:ArgentinaPeople of African descent; International decade for people of African descent
08/03/2016ECUADOR_ Decreto No. 915.pdf
The Decree aims to achieve the objectives of the programme of activities for the implementation of the International Decade, adopted by the General Assembly in its resolution 69/16 of 18 November 2014.
National level:Policies:Other policiesAmericas Region:EcuadorInternational decade for people of African descent; People of African descent
31/10/2016ECUADOR_Agenda de Igualdad para el Decenio de los Afrodescendientes - Capitulo Ecuador.pdf
The Agenda provides a framework for the
implementation of policies, programs, and projects, as well as guidelines of cooperation with other regional and national organizations for the implementation of the programme of activities of the International Decade for People of African Descent
National level:Policies:Other policiesAmericas Region:EcuadorPeople of African descent; International decade for people of African descent
07/03/2017NOVA SCOTIA_Action Plan in Response to the International Decade (Canada).pdf
A Better Way Forward: Ontario’s 3-Year Anti-Racism Strategic Plan is the province’s commitment to change the way we do things and break down barriers to advance racial equity. This means reviewing government policies, programs and services to find ways for everyone to have better opportunities and outcomes. It’s about making sure government is here to serve and support everyone.
National level:Policies:National action plans against racial discriminationAmericas Region:CanadaDevelopment; Education; Employment; General on anti-racial discrimination; Justice; International decade for people of African descent; People of African descent
21/03/2024MINISTRY OF RACIAL EQUITY_Black Youth Alive.pdf
The Black Youth Alive program is a public initiative which aims to combat structural racism, violence against Black youth, and increase social equity. The program addresses areas such as access to justice, increasing access to sports, culture and education, adress systemic and intersectional racism effecting the health of Black youth, addressing systemic bias in science and technology, and working to ensure access to employment.
National level:Programmes and projectsAmericas Region:BrazilEducation; Employment; Legal assistance; Justice; Children and young people; Multiple forms of discrimination; Sport; People of African descent; Racial profiling and bias-based policing; International decade for people of African descent


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